Thursday, May 13, 2010


So in writing this post, I wrote versions.... deciding where I would like to take this... so hopefully you can catch the point that I am trying to make. Society as a whole views the larger person as something that is NOT the social norm, which I find secretly comical due to the fact that every other person on the street is a chubby to some degree. which let’s be honest a fatty wants to hide in their mothers basement and eat while drowning out the sorrows of not being able to find a mate crying and feeling victimized by their mass that they call skin. So... in reality there are probably MORE fat people then skinny people these days due to the fact that they are trapped in their feeding frenzy of a basement to embarrassed to show their face in this weight obsessed world. I sound like a bitter fat girl when I re-read what I just wrote, however I’m just the opposite, YES I am a "fat" girl who believes in herself who wants to become something to be happy about. I believe that life is what you make of it, and my belly is not going to stop me from achieving greatness. That being said... I’m appalled at "my kind" People people what are you thinking, TAKE SELF PRIDE and get a grip. Moral of the story, stay in your basement and lock yourself up with your food baby or get in the shower look in the mirror and say IM WORTH SOMETHIN! Pick one. Don’t bring food baby out to play unless he has been washed. Thanks and goodnight!